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Using LINE for advertising your business in Japan

Are you a brand owner who wants to enter the Japanese market but doesn’t know where to start? Do you work at a digital marketing agency, and your clients wish to increase their online presence in the country? Using LINE for business in Japan is a must to reach the Japanese audience effectively.

Foreign companies can use the platform to leverage their marketing campaigns in Japan in several ways. Here is the ultimate guide for using the LINE app to advertise your business in Japan.

What is LINE?

LINE is Japan’s most popular social media platform.

Like WhatsApp or WeChat, it is a messaging app allowing users to send and make free calls. It is, however, much more than just a simple messenger. It is a super app with a vast network of integrated services like news, shopping, manga, games, and more.

Example of LINE app features

Want to learn more?

Discover why LINE is Japan’s favourite social media platform in our most popular blog article →

Why is LINE the most popular social media app in Japan (1)

LINE vs other social media platforms

Over 40% of social media users in Japan don’t use any other social media platform. This differs from Western countries, where platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok remain the most popular.

If your digital marketing strategy does not include LINE, you are missing a massive chunk of the Japanese population.

LINE is Japan's favourite social media platform.

Engage with fans and customers via the LINE Official Account

LINE offers a service called LINE Official Account. An official account is an official profile with which other users can be friends. It allows brands to interact with users directly, and it is the best digital tool for nurturing consumer relations in Japan.

You can use it to update your LINE Friends about the latest promotions. You can post content, send direct messages, or share exclusive coupons. It helps increase customer online engagement.

LINE Official Account

Want to learn more?

Download our free LINE Official Account Media Guide to discover the full scope of features and possibilities here →

Download our free LINE Official Account Media Guide.

Reach Japanese mobile users with LINE Ads

With 97 million monthly active users, this platform reaches about 80% of the Japanese population. It is the best way to connect with Japanese mobile users.

Similar to CPC ads on other popular social media platforms, your ads will appear in different placements within the app and the LINE Ads Network. You can also run friend acquisition or Cost-Per-Friend (CPF) campaigns to increase the volume of your fan base.

The platform offers vast targeting options and highly visible ad placements, like the Talk Head View. Your ads can appear at the top of the chat list – Japan’s premium placement.

Want to learn more?

Download our free LINE Ads Media Guide for details on placements, ad formats, targeting options, and more →

LINE Ads Media Guide

Advertising on LINE – FAQ

You may have many questions if you are new to advertising on the platform. We gathered the most frequently asked questions our clients ask in a single blog post here →

Advertising on LINE Q&A

How to start advertising on LINE: step-by-step guide

Since July 2024 it is possible to open a LINE Ads account without a Japanese credit card!

Before you can start running ads on the platform, you must open a LINE Official Account and create a LINE Business ID. You cannot omit this step.

Our team can help you with this process. Contact us to receive a free LINE Ads Set Up Guide.

LINE Ads Account Set Up Guide

Please note that some steps require a connection to the Japanese internet – you will need a trusted partner to help with the account setup process.

Want to learn more?

Read our LINE Ads Starter Guide here →

LINE Ads Starter Guide

Industries & services not eligible to advertise on LINE

According to LINE’s advertising guidelines, several types of businesses and services are prohibited from using the platform for advertising. Please check if your business is eligible before opening an advertising account.

Examples of industries and services that are not allowed to advertise on LINE app in Japan:

  • Religious institutions
  • Beauty salons (exceptions may apply)
  • Gambling (excluding public competitions and public lottery)
  • Adult content
  • Dating sites (exceptions may apply)
  • Multi-level marketing companies
  • Detective services
  • Tobacco, electronic cigarettes
  • Weapons
  • Political parties
  • Medical services and clinics (exceptions may apply)
  • Unapproved drugs and medical devices
  • Money-lending businesses such as consumer finance and pawn shops (exceptions may apply)
  • Online businesses (e.g., self-improvement seminars)
  • Financing such as fund-raising, donations and crowdfunding (exceptions may apply)

Let’s talk!

We are official overseas media reps for LINE Yahoo! advertising products. We provide clients with 100% free support, a dedicated account manager, and the latest market insights.

Click here to contact our team and discuss how we can support your brand in Japan. 

We are official overseass media reps for LINE yahoo advertising products

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