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white papers

We conduct in-depth research of the Japanese & APAC markets, and compile our knowledge into downloadable white papers.

Scroll down to browse through our resources. Learn about latest market trends and insights in Japan and the APAC region.

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Japanese market

Japanese Consumer Behaviour

Learn about who Japanese consumers are and how to apply this knowledge to enrich your digital marketing strategy in Japan.

This white paper contains an overview of:
– the consumer profile
– Japanese population demographics,
– purchasing power and behaviour,
– traditional and social media landscape

Game Apps in Japan

In-depth report based on our research into the usage of game apps in Japan, the third-largest game market.

Learn about game app trends in Japan, and use those insights to create a marketing strategy for your digital products.

We cover users’ preferences of:
– Frequency of play;
– Duration of play;
– Environment of play;
– Important factors when selecting games;
– Motives for downloading games;
– Genres.

PPC in Japan

Compilation of our knowledge of Japanese consumers, what we have learnt through running our customers’ campaigns and how businesses can apply this knowledge to enrich their digital marketing strategy in Japan.

Understanding the unique characteristics of Japan’s largest online platforms is crucial when preparing a successful marketing strategy.

You will get in depth insights into:
– Search engines market share in Japan;
– An overview of the social media platform and users;
– Yahoo! JAPAN case study.

Cashless Payments in Japan

In this White Paper we focus on the Japanese cashless payments trend and discuss the COVID-19 impact on the acceleration of Japan’s unique contactless payment methods development.

Learn how to implement them into your marketing strategy and increase digital presence in Japan.

Learn about:
– Cashless trends in Japan;
– Most popular cashless payment methods;
– QR code payments;
– Future predictions for Japan’s cashless market.

Social media in Japan

Social media landscape is quite different to other countries.

In this white paper we discuss the largest Japanese social media platforms, and how businesses can utilise them to raise brand awareness.

What you’ll get:
– facts you should know about social media in Japan;
– An overview of the social media platform and users:
LINE, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok.

Ecommerce in Japan

This white paper is a compilation of our knowledge of ecommerce in Japan, and how businesses can apply this knowledge to enrich their digital marketing strategy in Japan.

Learn about:
– Ecommerce trends in Japan;
– Top ecommerce marketplaces and platforms in Japan;
– Japanese fulfilment and shipping strategies;
– A checklist for retailers planning to sell products in Japan.

APAC market

Taiwanese Consumer Behaviour

Compiled by MicroAd Taiwan, this study focuses on the Taiwanese digital transformation of 2022.

Learn about:
– Impact of pandemic-forced lifestyle shift on the consumer behaviour in Taiwan;
– Increased number of LINE Official Accounts used for communication with consumers;
– An emergence of new trends and public interests: the rise of podcasts and auditory ads & a focus shift from travelling to decluttering;
– Gen Z: how to approach the new generation of consumers and the importance of the golden ‘5 seconds’ rule.

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