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Japan's favourite platform

With 96+ million monthly users or over 76% of the Japanese population, LINE is a powerful marketing tool that allows brands to reach the country’s widest user demographic.

With functions like an integrated payment system, the latest news, social media feed,  free calls, loyalty schemes, and e-commerce integration, LINE is an excellent platform to add to your digital marketing strategy in Japan.

Start LINE Ads

LINE Official Account

Free Media Guide

With diverse services and advertising opportunities, LINE Official Account is a powerful marketing tool.

Download our free media guide to learn how to reach 95+ million monthly active users and create a loyal fanbase.

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Run ads on LINE and reach the widest demographic
Run ads on LINE and reach the widest demographic
Run ads on LINE and reach the widest demographic
Run ads on LINE and reach the widest demographic
Run ads on LINE and reach the widest demographic
Run ads on LINE and reach the widest demographic


LINE is Japan’s favourite social media platform.

It not only offers massive reach and deep user engagement, but also targeted advertising and culturally relevant format.

LINE goes beyond just brand awareness. It’s a powerful tool to drive engagement and build lasting relationships with Japanese consumers. 

96 +


monthly users

80 %


from teens to 65+ year olds

100 +

integrated services

more than just messaging

User Demographics

LINE’s 96+ million users are evenly distributed across Japan’s population.

This allows advertisers to reach the broadest and most diverse demographic.

Start LINE Ads

Ad Placements

High-visibility placements across the LINE App and integrated services.

Reach Japanese audience through services they use on a daily basis.

Start LINE Ads

LINE Ads Support

We offer Complimentary Support to advertisers who manage their own Yahoo! JAPAN Ad and LINE Ad Accounts.

As official media reps for the LINE Yahoo Corporation, we are able to support clients free of charge.

Step-by-step guidance

A dedicated specialist will provide strategic guidance and operational support free of charge.

From account creation to set up and activation, we’ve got you covered.

Market insights

Our team of experts will share latest information such as market trends and industry insight.

We also share regular product updates and campaign optimisation ideas.

No hidden fees

As LINE’s official media reps, we can offer our clients fully complimentary support on all LINE services.

No contracts or minimums needed.

Start advertising on LINE

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We are here to help.

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