LINE Ads for businesses – target mobile users in Japan
LINE is the WhatsApp and WeChat of Japan, with an attractive user base of over 95 million in Japan1. Having a mobile internet user penetration of 90%2, LINE Ads is a great way to target Japanese smartphone users. As a super app, LINE has some great features including a barcode payment system, ecommerce platform, and a COVID-19 support menu.
On LINE, businesses can have an account where they can engage with LINE users one on one, just like with their friends and family. Brands can share offers with their audience and even provide customer service.
List of Official Accounts in the LINE app
Types of LINE Accounts
Unverified Account Anyone can open this type of account.
Verified Account These are verified accounts, usually of brands, products and services. Allows businesses to run LINE Ads and other business services.
Premium Account Only select accounts approved by LINE will qualify.
Basic functions include:
Messaging users, one on one or by segment
A/B testing of messages
Manage the number of messages sent out
Posting on the timeline
Sharing coupons
Chat with customers (smart chat available)
Customer service surveys
Once you have an Official Account, you can start your online ad campaigns with LINE Ads.
Ad Formats
The following ad formats are available in both image and video.
Card (1200 x 628)
Square (1080 x 1080)
Vertical (9:16)
The ad formats below are only available in image formats.
Carousel (600 x 600)
Creative image and text (smart channel)
Ad Placement
There are several different areas within the app where your ads could appear.
Smart Channel Ads appear at the top of the chat page that lists the user’s existing chats with friends.
LINE News Ads appear within the news feed and can also appear in one of 324 partner media account’s news feeds.
Timeline This is a user’s feed of updates from friends and accounts they are following. Ads appear within this feed.
LINE Manga This is Japan’s largest online comic service. Ads appear within the LINE Manga app.
LINE Blog Japanese celebrities use this to communicate with their fans. Blog posts integrate with LINE Official Account and posts to LINE’s timeline. Ads appear within the LINE Blog app.
LINE Points A service that allows users to collect points from completing certain tasks and missions on LINE. Ads appear within the LINE Points page.
LINE Shopping An ecommerce platform within the LINE app with over 250 merchants and 100 million products. Ads appear within the LINE Shopping page.
LINE Ads Network Allows advertisers to deliver their ads to LINE and LINE-related services. It boasts Japan’s largest ad inventory with 54 million MAU.
Ad Targeting
Ad targeting possible by:
User demographics (age, gender, location, interest, religion, OS, etc.)
Audience targeting (display only to specific audiences, i.e. first-time buyers)
Look-alike audience targeting (finds similar users based on web traffic, in-app events, and friends of users on LINE)
Re-engagement (target LINE users who have downloaded your app but are no longer active users)
Ad Types
Aside from regular LINE ads, there are other types of ads being offered.
Cost Per Friends
Businesses can gain “friends” with these ads. Official Accounts can offer special promotions and discounts to LINE users during this process.
First View
Limited to one ad by one Official Account per day, this allows the display of an ad for 24 hours at the top of all LINE users’ timeline.
LINE Dynamic Ads
Based on what types of products a user has viewed in the past, LINE will deliver ads to users that may find interest in your product. Each ad is personalised for each user and the URLs can be unique to each product, helping to increase conversion rates.
Carousel (1:1)
Carousel (600 x 600)
Carousel (16:9)
The following are some of the industries that are not allowed to advertise in LINE.
Have all campaign creative and landing pages localised in Japanese
Choose ad placement locations for ad delivery
Set targeting measures and ad spend budget
Embed tags for tracking conversions
Although the LINE Official Account ad management platform is available in English, almost all documents and support for LINE Official Account and LINE Ads are in Japanese. Furthermore, LINE only accepts Japanese credit card payments which is a huge hurdle for most overseas advertisers. At DMFA, we can open the LINE account on your behalf. Plus, our team of bilingual Japanese digital marketing experts offer full support and management of both services as well as website localisation. To get started with LINE Ads, please get in touch.