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LINE Q&A | everything you need to know

LINE is more than just a messaging app in Japan; it’s a cultural phenomenon. 

However, navigating the platform can be tricky because of the many features and functionalities. This blog answers common questions about using LINE in Japan. Our LINE Q&A covers basics, LINE Official Accounts, and advertising with LINE Ads. 

What is LINE? Why is it so popular in Japan?

LINE offers a unique blend of features, from messaging and voice calls to a built-in social media feed and mobile payments. This versatility caters perfectly to the Japanese mobile-first lifestyle. 

Want to learn more? 

Read our blog on why LINE is Japan’s most popular social media platform. 

Why is LINE the most popular social media app in Japan (1)


How do I use LINE? 

Users can download the LINE app for free and register with a phone number. You can add friends using their QR code, phone number, or LINE ID. Explore the app for features like chat groups, free voice and video calls, and a sticker marketplace.  

Please note that the app in Japan has many more features than those available in foreign markets like the US or Europe. 

Keep reading our LINE Q&A to discover it’s functions in Japan.


Is LINE safe to use? 

LINE offers various security features like two-factor authentication and chat encryption. However, being cautious with online interactions and avoiding sharing sensitive information is always recommended. 

Can you make calls with LINE?

Yes, you can make free voice and video calls with your LINE friends via LINE.


What is a LINE Official Account? 

Official Accounts are verified accounts businesses and organizations can use to connect with users in Japan. Official Accounts allow companies to send targeted messages, promote products and services, and interact with customers directly. 


What are the different types of LINE Official Accounts? 

There are three main types:  

  • Free: with basic features; 
  • Lite: with more functionalities; 
  • Verified: with the highest level of features and visibility. Only certified account holders can run CPF (Cost-Per-Friend) campaigns. 


Should I get a LINE Official Account for my business? 

LINE Official Account is a powerful tool if you’re targeting the Japanese market. It allows you to build brand awareness, engage customers, and drive sales through targeted marketing campaigns. 

Want to learn more? 

Download our free LINE Official Account Media Guide

Download our free LINE Official Account Media Guide.


What kind of content can businesses share through their Official Account? 

Businesses can send text messages, images, videos, coupons, and promotions directly to their followers.  


Can I chat with customers directly through the Official Account? 

Yes, some Official Accounts offer chat functionalities for customer service or inquiries. 

How do I create a LINE Official Account? 

You will not be able to advertise on LINE without an Official Account. Opening an account can be tricky, and we advise you to get in touch with our team, for free LINE Official Account opening support. 


What are LINE Ads? 

LINE Ads is the platform for advertising on the LINE app.  

It allows businesses to reach a massive audience in Japan with targeted campaigns across various formats like display ads, in-feed ads, and sponsored stickers. 


How can advertising on LINE in Japan benefit my business? 

LINE Ads offers exceptional targeting capabilities, allowing you to reach specific demographics and interests within the Japanese market. This laser focus helps you reach the right customers and boost your brand awareness and sales. 


What are the different ad formats available on LINE Ads? 

LINE Ads offers a variety of formats and placement.  


How do I get started with LINE Ads? 

DMFA is a part of the SoftBank family, and we offer complimentary services to advertisers who manage their own LINE Ads account.  

Please get in touch with our team to discuss free support opportunities.


Can I track the performance of my LINE Ads campaign? 

Yes, LINE Ads provides detailed analytics so you can track impressions, clicks, and conversions to measure the success of your campaign.  

Contact our team to discuss partnership opportunities


Are there any resources available to help me create a successful LINE Ads campaign? 

Apart from this LINE Q&A, e’ve covered many aspects of creating successful LINE ad campaigns on our blog. 

Our team also organises free training and study sessions – please contact us to discuss partnership opportunities


I’m new to online advertising. Does LINE Ads offer any support? 

Yes, our team is here to help!
We are LINE’s official overseas representative and offer free support for LINE advertising products and services. 

You can contact us here. 

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