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2024 Guide to Digital Advertising in Japan | Q&A

Japan, a technologically advanced nation, presents a lucrative market for digital advertising. The country has a traditional business culture but also has a large online population. Recently, there has been a shift towards digital shopping, making digital advertising essential for growth in Japan.

In this blog article, we will answer the most frequently asked questions about digital marketing in Japan. Read on to discover how to understand the enormous market potential for businesses. This is important for those looking to grow and connect with customers online.

What are the most popular social media platforms in Japan?

LINE is Japan’s most widely used social media platform, followed by Twitter and Instagram.

2024 social media landscape in Japan

You can read our blog to understand why LINE is Japan’s most popular social media platform here →

Why is LINE the most popular social media app in Japan (1)

Can I advertise on LINE?

Yes. LINE is an excellent platform to reach Japanese users. We provide our clients with free support for LINE Ads.

You can download our free LINE Ads Media Guide to learn more about the platform here →

LINE Ads Media Guide

What is the most popular search engine in Japan?

Google is Japan’s most popular search engine, holding 80.2% of the market share. Yahoo! JAPAN is second, at 10.18% search engine market share.

Yahoo! JAPAN is much more than just a search engine. It’s a network of connected services that Japanese users interact with at multiple touchpoints throughout the day.

Read our blog to learn what Yahoo! JAPAN is here →

Learn more about Yahoo! JAPAN

How can I effectively use Yahoo! JAPAN for advertising?

Yahoo! JAPAN is a comprehensive portal offering search, news, shopping, and more. It’s a fantastic platform for reaching a broad Japanese audience.

  • Search Advertising: Utilize Yahoo! JAPAN’s search advertising platform to target users based on keywords and interests.
  • Display Ads: Showcase your ads on various parts of the Yahoo! JAPAN website, including the homepage, search results, and network of connected Yahoo! JAPAN apps.

Read our blog to discover the full range of Yahoo! JAPAN advertising formats and placements here →

Yahoo! JAPAN Ads – Ad Formats Overview

How can I tailor my messaging to Japanese cultural preferences?

Remember to localize your content. English proficiency is relatively low in Japan. This means that all marketing materials, including ad copy and landing pages, must be in Japanese. Otherwise, they will simply get lost in the highly competitive marketplace.

The Japanese language is complex and full of cultural nuances. It is essential to work with native Japanese speakers, who can check your marketing materials before publishing.

Aligning your marketing with the local calendar is another essential strategy. Each year, we are publishing quarterly marketing calendars to help you tick off the most important dates:

What are the biggest trends in Japanese digital marketing in 2024?

Staying on top of the latest trends is an important thing for marketers. Read our blog on advertising in Japan in 2024 to discover the latest trends and predictions here →

Advertising in Japan

Why is e-commerce so popular in Japan?

Japan has a strong e-commerce market due to factors like high internet penetration (84.9% as of 2024), a culture of convenience, and a wide range of online payment options.

Should I work with a marketing agency to run digital marketing campaigns in Japan?

Partnering with a trusted local agency can benefit both small and large brands. Japanese experts can help you understand the complexities of the market, proofread your ad copy, and offer optimisation suggestions.

We are part of the LINE Yahoo global sales team and support our clients free of charge. Learn more about how we work with individual brands and partner with marketing agencies to support their client base.

Let’s work together!

We are official overseas media reps for LINE Yahoo! advertising products. We provide clients with 100% free support, a dedicated account manager, and the latest market insights.

Click here to contact our team and discuss how we can support your brand in Japan.

We are official overseas media reps for LINE Yahoo

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