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What is Yahoo! JAPAN – everything you need to know

We all know what Google is, and chances are you’ve heard about Yahoo, but what is Yahoo! JAPAN?

First of all, it is not the Yahoo that the rest of the world is familiar with.

Yahoo! JAPAN was created by SoftBank,  and is strictly in Japanese, made for the Japanese audience. It has over 100 services and many mobile apps such as Yahoo News, Yahoo Shopping, Yahoo Weather, and Yahoo Navigation. In addition, Yahoo! JAPAN offers credit cards as well as Paypay, Japan’s No.1 cashless smartphone payment system.

With 79+ billion monthly page views, and evenly distributed demographic of users, Yahoo! JAPAN can reach up to 65% of PC, and 87% of smartphone users in Japan.

Need help?

It is a great platform to run PPC ads in Japan. As part of the SoftBank family and a certified partner of Yahoo! JAPAN, DMFA provides complimentary free support to advertisers – both agencies and individual clients – on Yahoo! JAPAN.

Whether you are interested in running text, banner or video ads, our team of PPC experts will be able to support you in both English and Japanese from the creation of campaigns to their execution. Your dedicated bilingual account manager can provide benchmark reports and market insight while working with you to optimize campaigns on a regular basis.

If you need more information please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us here.

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