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Yahoo! JAPAN Ads – Ad Formats Overview

Yahoo! JAPAN is a platform that has way more to offer people than just a search feature. This article discusses Yahoo JAPAN ad formats available to advertisers.

What is Yahoo! JAPAN?

Yahoo! JAPAN is a platform designed for the Japanese audience. It’s a subsidiary of Softbank Corp and completely different from the American Yahoo!

It has over 100 services, including mobile apps such as Yahoo! NEW, Yahoo! Shopping, and PayPay.

Click here for more on Yahoo! JAPAN and advertising on the platform.

Learn more about Yahoo! JAPAN

Yahoo! JAPAN User ID

Add info on YJ single user ID across all services. It is a unique identifier assigned to users who create an account on Yahoo! JAPAN.

Yahoo! JAPAN User ID

It is a login credential for accessing various Yahoo! JAPAN services, including search, email, shopping, and more. For advertisers targeting the Japanese market, the Yahoo! JAPAN User ID holds significant importance:

  • Audience Targeting: Advertisers can leverage user data associated with Yahoo! JAPAN User IDs to create highly targeted ad campaigns. By understanding user demographics, interests, and online behaviour, they can deliver relevant ads to specific population segments.
  • Attribution and Measurement: User IDs can be used to track user interactions with ads across different devices and platforms. This enables advertisers to measure their campaigns’ effectiveness and accurately attribute conversions.
  • Remarketing: By collecting user data through Yahoo! JAPAN User IDs, advertisers can create custom audiences for remarketing campaigns. This allows them to target users who have previously shown interest in their products or services.
  • Data-Driven Optimization: User data can be analyzed to identify trends, preferences, and customer journeys. This allows advertisers to optimize their campaigns for better performance.

The Benefits of Advertising on Yahoo! JAPAN

There are many reasons why businesses should advertise on Yahoo! JAPAN.

The first is Yahoo! JAPAN’s pure reach and market share. With 89 billion monthly page views, it is the most valuable media spot in Japan. It also reaches 80% of smartphone users, with 70 million monthly active users on mobile.

For businesses wanting to advertise in Japan, it’s important to know the available Yahoo JAPAN ad formats, their benefits, and when to use each one effectively.

Want to learn more?

Download our free Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Media Guide here.

Yahoo JAPAN Ad Formats

Yahoo! JAPAN offers a diverse range of ad formats to cater to different marketing objectives.

From text-based search ads that directly target users with specific search queries to visually engaging display ads that can capture attention across various placements, businesses can choose the format that best suits their campaign goals. Let’s discover Yahoo JAPAN ad formats.

Yahoo! JAPAN Search Ads | SSA

A search ad is a text advertisement that appears on the search result page based on the searched keyword. It is active when someone uses the search engine feature on Yahoo! JAPAN.

The main benefit is that you can show your ads at the exact moment when users are searching for your products, services, or category.

Yahoo! JAPAN Search Ads example

Yahoo! JAPAN Shopping Ads | YSA

This allows businesses to display product information in the Commerce Search module on both PCs and smartphones. This is a performance-based advertising product – businesses only pay when a user clicks on their product information and makes a purchase.

Yahoo! JAPAN Shopping Search Ads example

Yahoo! JAPAN Branded Search Ads | BSA

Branded Ads are a premium advertising format that places large banner ads at the top of search results pages, aligned with relevant search queries.

This strategic placement ensures maximum visibility and brand impact among users actively seeking products or services like yours.

Yahoo! JAPAN Branded Search Ads example

Leverage the Power of Search-Linked Branding Ads

  • Elevate Brand Awareness: Make a lasting impression on potential customers actively seeking solutions in your industry.
  • Drive Targeted Traffic: Attract high-quality leads and boost conversions by reaching users at the peak of their interest.
  • Reinforce Brand Identity: Strengthen brand recognition and establish a strong presence in the digital landscape.

The Benefits of Search Advertising

  • It appeals directly to people who are searching right now;
  • You have complete control over your advertising budgets;
  • An auction system determines ad ranking;
  • You have complete control over when to start, stop and restart your ads;
  • Measurement of campaign success can be done in real-time;
  • Ads can be targeted to attract customers effectively.


When should you use Yahoo! JAPAN Search Ads?

When is it right to choose search advertising on Yahoo! JAPAN?

  • When you want to start with a small budget;
  • When you want to start web advertising right away;
  • When you want to target a distinct audience of people with a high motivation to purchase.

Yahoo! JAPAN Display Ads | YDA

Display ads are image or video advertisements that can be displayed on the top page of Yahoo! JAPAN.

Yahoo! JAPAN Display Ads (Auction)

Yahoo! JAPAN Display Ads (Audction) can be displayed with banners and videos on the Yahoo! JAPAN top page, Yahoo! News, and other partner services.

You can change the ad placement depending on the campaign’s purpose (conversion, video playback, website traffic, etc.). You can also use targeting capabilities based on user interests and purchase intent to maximise effectiveness. 

Yahoo! JAPAN Display Ads (Auction) example

Display ad types

  • Banner ads: ads that only show images or videos. No text is included in the creative.
  • Responsive ads: Ads that consist of text, images, videos, and buttons like ‘see more’. Depending on the user’s device or display aspect, you can run those in various formats.
  • Dynamic display: ads that dynamically generate information on product lists uploaded as a CSV file.
  • Carousel: A horizontal banner ad that combines multiple images. Each carousel card can have different settings, such as a different image or destination URL. This allows you to communicate multiple product or service features in one ad. 
  • Text: Text-only ads, such as titles, descriptions and URLs.

The Benefits of Display Ads (Auction)

Please see below for a list of the benefits to display advertising (auction) on Yahoo! JAPAN:

  • Maximising success according to the purpose of your campaign;
  • Versatile targeting;
  • Choose your ad targeting based on your budget;
  • The cost is based on the number of clicks.

Yahoo! JAPAN Display Ads (Guaranteed)


Yahoo! Japan has an incredible reach, with 84 billion monthly page views. Display Ads (Guaranteed) allow you to place images and videos on the home page of Yahoo! JAPAN, Yahoo! News, and other service pages.

Yahoo! JAPAN Display Ads (Guaranteed) example

This format is highly visible to customers and a great way to promote your brand.

Display Ads (Guaranteed) have a guaranteed number of impressions during the posting period. They prioritize them over auction-type ads.

Please note that this ad format is only possible through a sales partner with a Yahoo! JAPAN Display Ad (Guaranteed) handling contract. Please contact us here to learn more about how we can help.

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Yahoo! JAPAN today

The Benefits of Display Ads (Guaranteed)

  • Various Advertising Formats: Display advertising (Guaranteed) offers advertising formats with a large first-view occupancy area. These formats are highly effective when you want to reach a large number of people in a short period and gain recognition.
  • Highly Original Promotional Products: You can create a tie-up site with special effects and design based on the Yahoo! JAPAN homepage. Yahoo! JAPAN’s unique advertising expressions make it ideal for promotions aimed not only at recognition but also at generating buzz and impact.

When To Use Yahoo! JAPAN Display Ads

Yahoo! JAPAN Display Ads are a perfect choice for:

  • Those who want to raise brand awareness and interest;
  • Products that have a visual appeal that photographs well;
  • Those who want to deliver advertisements to potential customers;
  • Those who want to try various targeting formats, such as site retargeting.

Case Study | Luxury Fashion Brand

Display Guaranteed and Brand Search Ads activation during the Holiday season.

  • Challenge: Platform and campaign type selection that offers a competitive edge.
  • Solution: Yahoo! JAPAN Display Ads (Guaranteed) and Brand Search Ads activation during the Holiday season.
  • Results: Impressive increase of branded keyword uplift of up to 243% YoY.

Selecting the Right Agency for PPC in Japan

The right digital marketing agency for the Japanese market will have experience, expertise, and proven results. It is also especially important that the agency has a native Japanese speaker on its PPC team. 

Want to learn more?

Download our free case study on why finding the right partner for the Japanese market can be crucial to your strategy.

Let’s talk!

We are official overseas media reps for LINE Yahoo! advertising products. We provide clients with 100% free support, a dedicated account manager, and the latest market insights.

Click here to contact our team and discuss how we can support your brand in Japan.

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