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How to choose the right partner for APAC market

With many powerful economies in Asia, there has never been a better time to find customers in the region. However, not all agencies will have the skillset, personnel and experience necessary to help businesses succeed.

In this article, we offer some pointers on how to find a perfect digital marketing agency partner for the APAC market.

What an agency should offer to help you develop an effective APAC market strategy

1. Native speakers

This may seem obvious, but many agencies do not employ native speakers from each market they cover.

For global agencies that work with many different markets, this can be a challenge. And this is why we always include native speakers on any project that we work on.

In fact, many things can go wrong without a native speaker on a team. Incorrectly translating words or phrases without considering language, market, and cultural context are just a few examples.

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2. Localization & translation services

You should always customize marketing copy to a specific market. This is no different when you are advertising in the APAC region.

You should never simply translate your marketing copy. A reliable agency is crucial for accurate translations and proper integration of market and cultural nuances.

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Source: DMFA YouTube channel

Watch our video Case Study about Starbucks’ strategy in Japan to learn about the power of localisation, or read the blog article here →

3. Digital marketing experts

Having native speakers on the team may not be enough. They should also be digital marketing experts.

This way, they can guide you through your strategy, website and campaigns with a sharp marketer’s eye. Marketing teams for the APAC region need people who are well-versed in the digital advertising landscape. Copywriting, SEO, and PPC ads management are among the must-have skills you should look for when selecting a partner.

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Here’s a guide we wrote about Japanese online advertising →

4. Market research capabilities

Working with consumers in any foreign market requires research, and the APAC region is no exception. 

To run campaigns there, you must know the following:

  • Who are your competitors?
  • What is their marketing activity?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • What are the most popular platforms in the region?

Market research will allow you to understand these more fully. 

Identifying market trends through methods such as social listening might also be important. An excellent digital marketing agency will conduct market research as part of its consultation. This allows for creating target personas specific to the market audiences in the APAC region. 

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Refer to our Online Advertising in APAC in 2023 guide to learn about the biggest market trends →

5. An extensive partner network

Finally, hiring a well-connected agency with a broad network of contacts in the industry can be beneficial. 

A reputable digital marketing agency has preferred vendors and partner companies in each country within the APAC region. A brand wanting to expand its e-commerce business in Asia may need guidance on exporting and logistics. Introducing a vendor via an agency may present you with special offers or preferential pricing. 

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At DMFA, we are Yahoo! JAPAN‘s official partners.
Download our free Yahoo! JAPAN Media Guide to learn about Japan’s largest online platform →


Let’s talk!

Our team of bilingual Japanese digital marketers are here to support you. We are a digital marketing agency offering services like consultation, website localisation, social media marketing and SEO.

We have an extensive list of contacts and partner companies in the APAC region to help you enter the Asian markets.

Contact us at DMFA to find out more about our services and how our bilingual consultants can assist you with online advertising in APAC.

Simply fill in the form and our team will get back to you as soon as possible →

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