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Taiwan: Unlocking Boundless Connectivity with LINE App

In the vibrant digital landscape of Taiwan, staying connected has become an integral part of daily life. A reliable messaging and communication app is crucial for business, socializing, or simply staying in the loop.

The most popular social platform in Taiwan is LINE. This versatile and feature-rich application has become synonymous with seamless connectivity and innovation.

Connecting Taiwan, one LINE message at a time

What is LINE?

LINE is not just another messaging app.

Image of a phone with LINE app logo

It’s a comprehensive platform designed to enhance communication and collaboration.

With over 21 million users in Taiwan, it is the go-to app for connecting with friends, family, and colleagues.

Its user-friendly interface, diverse features, and commitment to privacy make it a standout choice in the competitive world of messaging apps.


Unleashing the power of LINE stickers

Image of LINE app chat with cute stickers

One of the app’s most iconic features is its extensive collection of stickers. Expressive and playful, they go beyond words. Stickers allow users to convey emotions, reactions, and sentiments in a fun and engaging way.

Stickers with animated characters and Taiwanese culture make conversations unique, personalized, and fun.

The all-in-one communication solution

✩ Text messaging – reinvented

LINE’s messaging feature goes beyond the basics. Users can effortlessly send text messages, photos, videos, and voice messages. The app also supports group chats, which makes it perfect for coordinating plans and events and keeping everyone in the loop.

✩ Crystal-clear voice and video calls

When words aren’t enough, LINE offers high-quality voice and video calls. Stay connected with loved ones or collaborate with colleagues seamlessly, no matter where they are. Advanced technology ensures that calls are clear and reliable, providing a communication experience that rivals face-to-face conversations.

✩ Group chats for every occasion

LINE’s group chat simplifies communication for weekend getaways, family reunions, and work projects, making it easier to plan and coordinate. Users can share updates, photos, and documents in real time, keeping everyone on the same page.


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Want to learn more?

Read our blog to learn why LINE is Japan’s most popular social media →


Embracing innovation with unique LINE features

LINE Moments

This feature allows users to share snapshots of their day with friends. Moments lets users showcase their experiences visually from picturesque landscapes to culinary delights. It’s more than just a social feed; it’s a personalized space for expressing individuality and staying connected.


LINE Pay revolutionized the way transactions are made in Taiwan. From splitting bills with friends to making online purchases securely, it provides a convenient and efficient payment solution. The app’s commitment to user safety and data protection ensures that financial transactions are always secure.

Image of a person holding a phone with LINE Pay app open, about to pay.Source: Taipei Times

LINE Shopping

This feature is a treasure trove of possibilities for avid online shoppers. Discover a wide range of products, enjoy exclusive deals, and streamline your shopping experience with LINE’s integrated e-commerce platform. It’s not just a messaging app; it’s a gateway to a world of online shopping convenience.

Privacy and security: LINE’s top priorities

LINE understands the importance of privacy in today’s digital age.

Users can trust that their conversations and data are private and secure with solid security measures and end-to-end encryption. Commitment to user protection sets it apart as a reliable and responsible choice for communication in Taiwan.

Elevate your communication with LINE in Taiwan

A reliable messaging app is essential in a fast-paced and interconnected world. It’s the ideal choice for users in Taiwan because of its unique features, wide range of stickers, and focus on privacy.

Whether connecting with friends, collaborating with colleagues, or exploring the world of online shopping, LINE is your all-in-one companion for seamless and enjoyable communication.

Why should you choose LINE for advertising in Taiwan?

Choosing LINE for advertising in Taiwan is a smart move due to its effectiveness in this region, based on various factors.

●     Popularity in Taiwan: it is one of Taiwan’s most popular messaging apps. It has a significant user base, and people in Taiwan are accustomed to using it for communication, making it a prime platform for reaching a broad audience.

●     Cultural relevance: LINE has integrated various aspects of Taiwanese culture into its features, such as localized stickers and themes. Advertising on the platform allows businesses to tap into this cultural relevance, creating campaigns that resonate with the local audience.

●     Localized content and language support: LINE offers content and support in the local language, facilitating effective communication with the Taiwanese audience. Culturally and linguistically tailored advertisements tend to be more engaging and relatable.

●     Targeting capabilities: LINE’s advertising platform provides robust targeting options, allowing advertisers to tailor their campaigns to specific demographics, interests, and behaviours within the Taiwanese market. This precision targeting can lead to more effective and efficient campaigns.

●     LINE Official Accounts: Businesses can create official accounts to establish a direct communication thread with users. This allows for distributing content, promotions, and updates directly to subscribers, fostering brand engagement.

Other features that make LINE a perfect marketing platform

●     In-app features: LINE offers various in-app features, including games, stickers, and a marketplace. Using these features in your ads can improve user engagement and make the audience’s experience more immersive.

●     Mobile-centric behaviour: Taiwanese users are known for their mobile-centric behaviour. Advertising on the platform ensures that your brand is present on a platform that aligns with the preferences and habits of the local audience.

●     E-commerce integration: LINE has integrated e-commerce features, allowing businesses to facilitate transactions directly within the app. The platform’s e-commerce features can be a valuable asset for your advertising plan to increase sales.

●     Analytics and measurement tools: LINE provides advertisers with analytics and measurement tools to track the performance of campaigns. This data can be valuable for refining strategies and optimizing ad spend based on real-time insights.

●     Competitive landscape: Given LINE’s popularity in Taiwan, it’s likely that your competitors are also leveraging the platform for advertising. Being on LINE helps you stay competitive and ensure your brand is seen where your audience spends time.

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Want to learn more?

Download our free LINE Official Account Media Guide →


Start promoting your brand
LINE in Taiwan

Before beginning LINE advertising in Taiwan, it is crucial to conduct market research.

This research will help understand the local audience’s preferences, behaviour, and expectations. Customizing your campaigns based on these insights will help your advertising efforts succeed on the LINE platform in Taiwan.


Need support starting or growing your business in Taiwan? Contact DMFA consulting team to get more information. 

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