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2023 LINE Ads updates

In order to ensure the quality of advertisements on LINE Japan for both the users and advertisers, LINE  has updated its ads review process and the types of businesses and services that can be advertised on the platform. 

The main changes resulting from these updates are:

  • Enhanced ad review system that reduces review time
  • Addition of new industries and services that can be advertised on LINE 
  • Addition of an ad account category section

The following is a detailed explanation of each update. 

1. Enhanced ad review system and structure

LINE Japan has enhanced its ad review system and structure. This reduces the review time for some advertisements while ensuring their quality.

Significantly shortened ad review time

LINE reviews all ads (creative, copy, and landing page) whenever needed, using its systemised process. The system’s enhanced review and monitoring systems significantly shorten the time from ad submission to ad delivery . The minimum time required for screening is now 5 minutes. (*)

In addition, LINE Ads are monitored  24 hours a day, 365 days a year, even after advertisements are running. If it finds a violation of the guidelines while an ad is running, the ad is  suspended.

(*) The time required for review varies depending on the content of the ad. It may take up to 5 business days to begin serving ads.

Shifting to a more holistic approach for ad reviews While LINE had previously  been focusing on reviewing the ad creative, copy , and landing page (LP) separately, it will now combine them and review as an advertisement as a whole. With this change, the “creative (media) screening” process will be terminated and be integrated into the “ads review” process.

Before the update, the “creative (media) screening” process began when an image, video, or animation was uploaded to the media tab.

With the new update, the review process begins once the campaign, ad group, and ad (creative, copy, and LP) are created and saved.

If your ad is rejected during the review process, you will be able to check the reason why and the related component by clicking on the “?” mark in the “Ads” section of the “Ads” page, in the management screen. You can also use the media tab to check why yours was rejected (if applicable) and request a review of the LP.


2. Additional  types of businesses and services that can advertise on LINE

LINE has added new business categories and services that can advertise on LINE Ads. 

The new industries and services are as follows:

  • Pawnshops
  • Crowdfunding (investments and donations)
  • Crypto asset exchanges
  • Political parties
  • Fundraising and donations
  • Shiatsu massage, acupuncture, moxibustion, judo therapy
  • Recruitment of clinical trialists
  • Bodily function testing kits
  • Detective work
  • Fortune-telling
  • Products and services for good luck, amulets, etc.
  • Sale of living creatures (pets, etc.)
  • Various financial products (futures, options trading, etc.)
  • Money lending and card loans (unsecured and unguaranteed loans to individuals)

 Please note, however, that even if a business or service is eligible, it may be rejected based on the review process. Please refer to the “LINE Ads Review Guidelines” for more information.


3. Addition of an ad account category section

An “ad account category” section has been newly added to the ad account review area. As a result, ad accounts no longer need to add an official name  or URL when creating an account.

To select an ad account category, click the “select category” button, select an industry category, and then select an ad account category.

Multiple ads can be submitted under the same category

Until now, it was necessary to create an ad account for each advertised product, but with the establishment of ad account categories, it is now possible to submit ads for multiple products in the same category.

For example, if you wish to submit advertisements for two products, A-juice and B-tea, you can select “beverages” as the ad account category and create an ad account to run advertisements for A-juice and B-tea in a single ad account.

You can continue to run advertisements on a previously opened ad account

If you have already created an ad account, LINE will assign an ad account category based on the product information you have entered, so you can continue to submit ads to that account.

If you would like to change the assigned ad account category, please create a new ad account and select the category you would like to use.

Industry categories and ad account categories

The following is a list of industry categories and their related ad account categories:

Industry CategoryAd Account Category
Arts/Entertainment/Sports Auditions
TV Shows
Video Distribution
Sporting Events
Sports Facilities
Fortune Telling
Theme Parks, Leisure Facilities
Internet/Information serviceCuration media
News site/news apps
Telecommunications carrier
Internet servicesReward  website
Gambling/Public lotteriesSweepstakes
Public lotteries (lottery ticket/toto)
Publicly operated sports (horse racing/cycle racing/boat racing/auto racing)
Games/E-booksE-book/manga apps
Online games/App games
Game devices/game software
Business/Sharing Economy
Jobs & Recruiting
Fundraising, Donations
Medical & Welfare ServicesShiatsu massage, Acupuncture, Moxibustion
Fitness Gym
Medical Equipment
Nursing care and welfare
Disease Awareness
Bodywork & Relaxation
Cosmetic Medicine
Food & BeverageRestaurants
Cosmetics/Toiletries/Daily Necessities Cosmetics
Beauty goods
Household goods
Government/Organisations/Professional Services Public Benefit Corporations/NPO/NGO/Associations
Public administration
Professional services
Political parties
Study/Cram Schools
Study abroad programmes
Daycare, Kindergarten
Infant, child, maternity care
Finance/Insurance Card loan
Cash advances, Consumer loans
Credit cards
Other loans
Crypto assets
Financial institutions
Auto loans
Mortgage loans
Marriage/Love/Weddings & Funerals Weddings and funerals
Dating events
Dating sites, marriage counselling agencies, dating apps
Shrines and temples
Automobiles/Transportation EquipmentGas stations
Automobile parts
Household Goods/Electric Appliances/Information Equipment Gardening
House cleaning/Housekeeping
Furniture and appliances
Smartphones/Cell Phones
Retail/E-commerce Ticket Sales
Sporting goods
Shopping malls
Books & bookstores
E-commerce sites
Consumer electronics retailers
Alcoholic beverages (Beer, liqueur, etc.)
Alcoholic beverages (wine)
Cigarettes & Cigars
Tobacco related (Other)
Electronic cigarettes
Animal/Pets Veterinary hospital/Veterinary drugs
Pet shop/Pet supplies
Beauty & Health Services/SuppliesEsthetic salons
Health Equipment
Beauty salons/Barber shops/Nail salons
Health foods
Real EstateRental office space
Remodelling and construction
Real estate agents
Property search, housing information
Medicine/Medical SuppliesPharmaceuticals
Travel & Transportation Hotels & accommodations
Public transportation
Travel reservations/Tours


 *Contents are subject to change.

Below is a summary of the changes and benefits of the updates.


  1. Enhanced ad review system and structure
  2. Addition of new industries and services that can be advertised on LINE
  3. Addition of an ad account category section


  1. Significantly reduced ad review time
  2. Allows advertisements for certain industries and services that were previously prohibited.
  3. Multiple advertisements can run using a single ad account.

DMFA provides comprehensive LINE Official Account and LINE Ads account management services, including account set up. We can also provide payment method registration solutions by opening an account on your behalf, and setting up monthly invoicing for any ad spend.  Please get in touch with our LINE team for a free consultation, and rest assured your account will pass the verification process, opening the door for your business to grow in the Japanese market.

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