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How to open a LINE Ads account

Tips on setting up a Basic ID & Premium ID for a LINE Official Account

LINE is Japan’s most popular social media platform. With 95+ million monthly active users, over 80% of the country’s population uses LINE. It is much more than just a simple messenger app. It has over 100 integrated services and the ability to reach the widest demographic across all age groups, from teens to those 65+. Advertisers are well aware of LINE’s marketing power, and use the platform to build loyal communities, raise brand awareness, and drive sales.

In this article, we discuss what to pay attention to in order to pass LINE Ads account review, and how to set up a Basic ID/Premium ID.

LINE Ads account review

In order to promote anything on LINE, advertisers must go through multiple steps which include ad account application, campaign set up, and payment method registration – all of which they can complete online. Before you can use LINE for advertising, your account and connected assets also go through a rigorous review process. This includes not only ads and their content (text & creatives) but also the account itself. This is a crucial area, as the account may fail the review due to mistakes in the information provided during the application process, or for not meeting the advertising requirements.

LINE may refuse to open an advertising account at its sole discretion, based on the following criteria:

  • Can the advertised content cause problems or lead to dissatisfaction among LINE users?
  • Is there any possibility of violating the law?
  • Does the advertised content violate LINE’s terms of use, or is there a risk of this happening?
  • Does it adversely affect LINE’s business or damage its reputation?
  • Does it meet other criteria set independently by LINE?

Please refer to this article to learn more about opening a LINE Ads account.

Basic ID/Premium ID – what to look out for

In order to acquire a Basic ID or Premium ID for your business, your LINE Ads account must meet the following requirements:

  1. Advertiser’s per Basic ID/Premium ID cannot be created nor managed without the advertiser’s permission.
  2. If you are acting on behalf of the advertiser, you must obtain their permission prior to setting up the Basic ID/Premium ID.
  3. The Basic ID/Premium ID account display name must be related to the advertiser or provided services. LINE users see it along with the advertisements, and should clearly show what types of products or services are promoted.


*We recommend using an authenticated account for the Basic ID/Premium ID application. While this can also be done with an unauthenticated account, some services, such as adding friends, are not ava. Please contact us to discuss the details.


Additionally, the Basic ID/Premium ID account display name must meet the following conditions:

  • Includes the official name of the business (corporation/organization/individual), or the advertised products/services.
  • Does not use the names of non-existent businesses, products, or services.
  • Does not use phrases that may be untrue or misleading.
  • The display name should not be misidentified as a product or service advertised by LINE, or any of LINE’s affiliates.

A Basic ID/Premium ID that does not meet those conditions may have their ad accounts suspended regardless of whether or not they serve ads.

Click here to learn more about how to change your display name (Japanese only).


4.  The Basic ID/Premium ID profile photo must be related to the advertiser or the promoted products and services.

DMFA provides comprehensive LINE Official Account and LINE Ads account management services, including account set up. We can also provide payment method registration solutions by opening an account on your behalf and setting up monthly invoicing for any ad spend. Please get in touch with our LINE team for a free consultation., We will ensure that your account passes the verification process, opening the door for your business to grow in the Japanese market.

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