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LINE Ads Platform is a great option to run digital marketing campaigns in Japan.
For those not familiar with the Japanese market, LINE is the no.1 messenger app in Japan with over 90 million Japanese users. There are several reasons behind its success, including its unique animated stickers and other integrated services. Unlike WhatsApp, its Western counterpart, LINE is a super app with advertising opportunities for businesses wanting to promote their product or service in Japan.
We already spoke about what is line in this video, as well as discussed how brands use it to do marketing in Japan in this one – make sure to check them out as well!
On LINE, businesses can have an account where they can engage with LINE users just like with their friends and family. Brands can share offers with their audience and even provide customer service. LINE Official Accounts are used by businesses to connect with their customers.
With an Official Account, you can send general information, sales and marketing activities, and special promotions to your users who are friends with your channel. Your LINE friends will get notified just like when they get a message from their social network.
Businesses who open LINE Official Account are then able to run digital marketing campaigns on LINE Ads platform.
As a part of the SoftBank family, we are LINE’s official overseas partners. If you need more information please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Simply fill in the form and schedule a free consultation here.